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April 27, 2023: He Loves You!

As I was doing my daily reading of scripture this morning, I came across these few verses at the tail end and I felt compelled to share it and just talk a little bit.

Luke 21:17

“you will be continually hated by everyone because of [your association with] My name”

You see this a lot in recent days. Even if you wish someone good tidings in the name of God, you will be disrespectfully brushed off. I don’t share these types of posts often because I actually worry that I’m going to offend people by sharing words from my Lord. And then I stop and think to myself, “Why do I feel this way?” The Lord only speaks of goodness for those who believe in Him, and I want that for every single person reading this right now.

Let me ask you this if it applies to you: why does God make you uncomfortable? Why does faith make you uncomfortable? Why does reading this post, this scripture, make you uncomfortable? Take the time to sit with yourself and ask that question. Really think about it. Is it because you know He can help you, He WANTS to help you, and the only thing stopping Him is your own refusal and displeasure? The Lord is waiting for you with open arms— all you have to do is run into them and feel the sweetness of His embrace.

Luke 21:19

“by your endurance you will gain your souls”

We have the greatest gift of all— eternal life with our Savior. He wants you to have it as well. He wants to see you in a mansion in Heaven. He wants to see you without pain, whether that be physical, mental, anything. He wants nothing but goodness for you.

If you feel like this post was directed at you, sit with those questions I asked above. Search your heart. Talk to me, to believers that you know. God is waiting with open arms and so are we.

No one is standing in your way. no one can get between you and the Lord. There is a personal relationship with God waiting for you— you just have to open your heart.

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